asdasda subscript [[|link]] [[ NovaStranica|Nova strana ]] [[\\server\share|this]] [[1.stabla_strukture_podataka|Stabla (struktura podataka)]] [[|External Link]] - Ordered List Item - pisem - nesto {{ :1-9d95077044.jpg |nesto }} * This is a list * The second item * You may have different levels * Another item - The same list but ordered - Another item - Just use indention for deeper levels - That's it ^ Heading 1 ^ Heading 2 ^ Heading 3 ^ | Row 1 Col 1 | Row 1 Col 2 | Row 1 Col 3 | | Row 2 Col 1 | some colspan (note the double pipe) || | Row 3 Col 1 | Row 3 Col 2 | Row 3 Col 3 |