Mp-Residuated Lattices

DOI: 10.46793/KgJMat2504.583R
This paper is devoted to the study of a fascinating class of residuated lattices, the so-called mp-residuated lattice, in which any prime filter contains a unique minimal prime filter. A combination of algebraic and topological methods is applied to obtain new and structural results on mp-residuated lattices. It is demonstrated that mp-residuated lattices are strongly tied up with the dual hull-kernel topology. Especially, it is shown that a residuated lattice is mp if and only if its minimal prime spectrum, equipped with the dual hull-kernel topology, is Hausdorff if and only if its prime spectrum, equipped with the dual hull-kernel topology, is normal. The class of mp-residuated lattices is characterized by means of pure filters. It is shown that a residuated lattice is mp if and only if its pure filters are precisely its minimal prime filters, if and only if its pure spectrum is homeomorphic to its minimal prime spectrum, equipped with the dual hull-kernel topology.
Mp-residuated lattice, pure filter, dual hull-kernel topology, pure spectrum.
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