A new version of the KJM article style has been released, starting from 18th January 2016 all submissions should be prepared using the new template.

All the files that you will need to prepare your manuscript for submission to the Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics can be downloaded from the following link.


This file includes:
•    Latex class (kjmath.cls)
•    Bibliography style (kjmath.bst)
•    Instruction for the KJM Latex style (kjm_instructions.pdf and kjm_instructions.tex)
•    Manuscript template (kjm_template.tex)
•    Figure example (figure1.pdf)
•    Bibliography file example (bibliography_file.bib).

When preparing your manuscript, the files kjmath.cls, bibliography_file.bib, kjmath.bst and the tex file and figures for the manuscript should be placed in the same folder.
When submitting a manuscript only the tex file and the files that contain figures used in the manuscript need to be uploaded.