Growth of Solutions of a Class of Linear Differential Equations Near a Singular Point

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DOI: 10.46793/KgJMat2302.187C


In this paper, we investigate the growth of solutions of the differential equation

                 {            }                  {            }
  ′′                -----a-----    ′                -----b-----
f  +  A  (z) exp   (z  −  z)n   f  +  B  (z) exp   (z  −  z)n   f  =  0,
                      0                               0

where A(z ), B(z ) are analytic functions in the closed complex plane except at z0 and a,b are complex constants such that ab0 and a = cb, c > 1. Another case has been studied for higher order linear differential equations with analytic coefficients having the same order near a finite singular point.


Linear differential equations, growth of solutions, finite singular point.


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