Picture Fuzzy Subgroup

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Authors: S. DOGRA AND M. PAL

DOI: 10.46793/KgJMat2306.911D


Picture fuzzy subgroup of a crisp group is established here and some properties connected to it are investigated. Also, normalized restricted picture fuzzy set, conjugate picture fuzzy subgroup, picture fuzzy coset, picture fuzzy normal subgroup and the order of picture fuzzy subgroup are defined. The order of picture fuzzy subgroup is defined using the cardinality of a special type of crisp subgroup. Some corresponding properties are established in this regard.

Significant Statement. Subgroup is an important algebraic structure in the field of Pure Mathematics. Study of different properties of subgroup in fuzzy sense is an interesting fact to the readers because fuzzy sense is the extension of classical sense. Readers can easily observe how the properties of subgroup hold in fuzzy sense like classical sense. Picture fuzzy sense is the generalization of fuzzy sense. In other words, picture fuzzy sense can be treated as advanced fuzzy sense. Readers will be interested to study how the properties of subgroup hold when the number of components increases in fuzzy environment. Our study is actually the study of an important type of advanced fuzzy algebraic structure.


Picture fuzzy subgroup, normalized restricted picture fuzzy set, conjugate picture fuzzy subgroup, picture fuzzy coset, picture fuzzy normal subgroup, order of picture fuzzy subgroup.


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