Stability and Ultimate Boundedness of Solutions of Certain Third Order Nonlinear Rectangular Matrix Differential Equations
DOI: 10.46793/KgJMat2603.457O
We present in this paper the qualitative study of solutions of certain third order nonlinear matrix differential equations where the unknown function X is matrix-valued. The properties of solutions were investigated using Lyapunov’s direct method by employing the use of suitable Lyapunov functionals obtained from the differential equations describing the system satisfying certain requirements for establishing the stability and boundedness of solutions of the system considered. An example is given to demonstrate the significance of the results obtained as well as analysis through geometric graphs describing the dynamics of the system’s solutions. The results obtained are novel and will significantly enhance and extend the results of those mentioned in the literature.
Stability, ultimate boundedness, Lyapunov method, rectangular matrix, third order differential equations.
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