Shifted Gegenbauer-Gauss Collocation Method for Solving Fractional Neutral Functional-Differential Equations with Proportional Delays

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DOI: 10.46793/KgJMat2206.981H


In this paper, the shifted Gegenbauer-Gauss collocation (SGGC) method is applied to fractional neutral functional-differential equations with proportional delays. The technique we have used is based on shifted Gegenbauer polynomials and Gauss quadrature integration. The shifted Gegenbauer-Gauss method reduces solving the generalized fractional pantograph equation fractional neutral functional-differential equations to a system of algebraic equations. Reasonable numerical results are obtained by selecting few shifted Gegenbauer-Gauss collocation points. Numerical results demonstrate its accuracy, and versatility of the proposed techniques.


Neutral fractional functional-differential equations, proportional delay, collocation method, shifted Gegenbauer-Gauss quadrature, shifted Gegenbauer polynomials.


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