Curvature Properties of Generalized pp-Wave Metrics.

DOI: 10.46793/KgJMat2102.237S
The main objective of the present paper is to investigate the curvature properties of generalized pp-wave metrics. It is shown that a generalized pp-wave spacetime is Ricci generalized pseudosymmetric, 2-quasi-Einstein and generalized quasi-Einstein in the sense of Chaki. As a special case it is shown that pp-wave spacetime is semisymmetric, semisymmetric due to conformal and projective curvature tensors, R-space by Venzi and satisfies the pseudosymmetric type condition P ⋅ P = −

Einstein field equations, Brinkmann-wave metric, pp-wave metric, generalized pp-wave metric, Robinson-Trautman metric, Einstein manifold, quasi-Einstein manifold, 2-quasi-Einstein manifold, generalized quasi-Einstein manifold in the sense of Chaki, recurrent type curvature condition, pseudosymmetry type curvature condition.
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