N-Cubic Sets Applied to Linear Spaces

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DOI: 10.46793/KgJMat2204.575K


The concept of ????-fuzzy sets is a good mathematical tool to deal with uncertainties that use the co-domain [1, 0] for the membership function. The notion of ????-cubic sets is defined by combining interval-valued ????-fuzzy sets and ????-fuzzy sets. Using this ????-cubic sets, we initiate a new theory called ????-cubic linear spaces. Motivated by the notion of cubic linear spaces we define P-union (resp. R-union), P-intersection (resp. R-intersection) of ????-cubic linear spaces. The notion of internal and external ????-cubic linear spaces and their properties are investigated.


????-Interval number, interval-valued ????-fuzzy linear space, ????-cubic linear space, internal and external ????-cubic linear spaces, P-intersection and P-union, R-intersection and R-union.


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