On some Statistical Approximation Properties of Generalized Lupas-Stancu Operators

DOI: 10.46793/KgJMat2205.797Q
The purpose of this paper is to introduce Stancu variant of generalized Lupaş operators whose construction depends on a continuously differentiable, increasing and unbounded function ρ. Depending on the selection of γ and δ, these operators are more flexible than the generalized Lupaş operators while retaining their approximation properties. For these operators we give weighted approximation, Voronovskaya type theorem, quantitative estimates for the local approximation. Finally, we investigate the statistical approximation property of the new operators with the aid of a Korovkin type statistical approximation theorem.
Generalized Lupaş-Stancu operators, Korovkin’s type theorem, convergence theorems, Voronovskaya type theorem, statistical approximation.
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