A Numerical Solution of a Coupling System of Conformable Time-Derivative Two-Dimensional Burgers’ Equations

DOI: 10.46793/KgJMat2401.007M
In this paper, we deal with a numerical solution of a coupling system of fractional conformable time-derivative two-dimensional (2D) Burgers’ equations. The presence of both the fractional time derivative and the nonlinear terms in this system of equations makes solving it more difficult. Firstly, we use the Cole-Hopf transformation in order to reduce the coupling system of equations to a conformable time-derivative 2D heat equation for which the numerical solution is calculated by the explicit and implicit schemes. Secondly, we calculate the numerical solution of the proposed system by using both the obtained solution of the conformable time-derivative heat equation and the inverse Cole-Hopf transformation. This approach shows its efficiency to deal with this class of fractional nonlinear problems. Some numerical experiments are displayed to consolidate our approach.
Burgers’ equation, Cole-Hopf transformation, conformable time-derivative, fractional calculus.
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