On the Structure of Some Types of Higher Derivations

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DOI: 10.46793/KgJMat2401.123H


In this paper we introduce the concepts of higher {Lgn,Rhn}-derivation, higher {gn,hn}-derivation and Jordan higher {gn,hn}-derivation. Then we give a characterization of higher {Lgn,Rhn}-derivations and higher {gn,hn}-derivations in terms of {Lg,Rh}-derivations and {g,h}-derivations, respectively. Using this result, we prove that every Jordan higher {gn,hn}-derivation on a semiprime algebra is a higher {gn,hn}-derivation. In addition, we show that every Jordan higher {gn,hn}-derivation of the tensor product of a semiprime algebra and a commutative algebra is a higher {gn,hn}-derivation. Moreover, we show that there is a one to one correspondence between the set of all higher {Lgn,Rhn}-derivations and the set of all sequences of {LGn,RHn}-derivations. Also, it is presented that if ???? is a unital algebra and {fn} is a generalized higher derivation associated with a sequence {dn} of linear mappings, then {dn} is a higher derivation. Some other related results are also discussed.


Higher {Lgn,Rhn}-derivation, higher {gn,hn}-derivation, Jordan higher {gn,hn}-derivation, generalized higher derivation.


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