Three-Weight and Five-Weight Linear Codes over Finite Fields

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Authors: P. KUMAR AND N. M. KHAN

DOI: 10.46793/KgJMat2403.345K


Recently, linear codes constructed from defining sets have been studied extensively. For an odd prime p, let Trem be the trace function from ????pm onto ????pe, where e is a divisor of m. In this paper, for the defining set D = {x ????pm : Trem(x2 + x) = 0} = {d1,d2,,dn} (say), we define a pe-ary linear code ????D by

                 (    m            m                   m        )
????D   =  {cx   =    Tr e (xd1  ), Tr e (xd2 ), ...,  Tr e (xdn  )  : x  ∈  ????pm }
and present three-weight and five-weight linear codes with their weight distributions. We show that each nonzero codeword of ????D is minimal for m-
e 5 and, thus, such codes are applicable in secret sharing schemes.


Linear code, weight distribution, Gauss sum, cyclotomic number, secret sharing.
