Vague Weak Interior Ideals of Γ-Semirings.

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DOI: 10.46793/KgJMat2505.711B


The notion of a ((complete-) normal) vague weak interior ideal on a (regular) Γ-semiring is defined. It is proved that the set of all vague weak interior ideals forms a complete lattice. Also, a characterization theorem for a regular Γ-semiring in terms of vague weak interior ideals is derived. Another interesting consequence of the main result is that the cardinal of a non-constant maximal element in the set of all (complete-) normal vague weak interior ideals is 2.


(Vague) Γ-semiring, left (resp. right) vague ideal, vague (weak) interior ideal, ((complete-) normal) vague weak interior ideal.


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