Reconstructing the Characteristic (Permanental) Polynomial of a Digraph from Similar Polynomials of its Arc-Deleted Subgraphs

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Authors: V. R. ROSENFELD

DOI: 10.46793/KgJMat2505.741R


Let D = D(V,E) be an arbitrary digraph with the set V of vertices and the set E of arcs (|V | =  n; |E  | = m ); loops, if any, are considered reduced arcs with the same head and tail. The characteristic polynomial ϕ(D; x) (resp. permanental polynomial (ϕ+)) of D is the characteristic (permanental) polynomial of its adjacency matrix A: ϕ(D; x):= det(xI A)   +
(ϕ  (D; x ):=per  (xI +  A )), where I is an identity matrix. A t-arcs-deleted subgraph Dt of D is the digraph D less exactly t arcs (while all n vertices are preserved). Also, let ????t and Rt(D; x) (           )
 R+  (D; x )
   t be the collection (multiset) of all t-arc-deleted subgraphs of D and the sum of the characteristic (permanental) polynomials of all subgraphs from ????t, respectively. We consider the reconstruction of the characteristic polynomial ϕ(D; x) (permanental polynomial ϕ+(D; x)) of D from the polynomial sum Rt(D; x) (  +        )
 R t (D; x ), t ∈{1, 2,,m n + n0}, where n0 is the number of zero roots of ϕ(D; x)    +
(ϕ   (D; x )). Then, we also carry over our reasoning to the case of reconstructing both polynomials of undirected graphs (where edges are deleted).


Characteristic polynomial, permanental polynomial, t-arcs-deleted subgraph.


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