Well-posedness and Exponential Decay of Energy for the Solution of a Wave Equation with Nonlinear Source and Localized Damping Termes

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DOI: 10.46793/KgJMat2601.007K


We consider the wave equation with a locally damping and a nonlinear source term in a bounded domain. ytt Δy + a(x)g(yt) = |y|p2y, where p > 2. The damping is nonlinear and is effective only in a neighborhood of a suitable subset of the boundary. We show, for certain initial data and suitable conditions on g,a and p that this solution is global we use the Faedo-Galerkin method. Also we established the exponential decay of the energy when the nonlinear damping grows linearly by introducing a suitable Lyapunov functional.


Wave equation, localized nonlinear damping, well-posedness, Faedo-Galerkin, multiplier method, exponential stabilization.


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