Weaving g-Frames for Operators

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DOI: 10.46793/KgJMat2502.167K


Bemrose et al. introduced weaving frames and later, Deepshikha et al. generalized them to weaving K-frames. In this note, as a generalization of these notions, we introduce approximate K-duals and investigate the properties of K-g-frames and weaving K-g-frames. We show that woven K-g-frames and weakly woven K-g-frames coincide. We also study perturbation and erasure of woven K-g-frames and we show that they are stable under small perturbations. Also we generalize some of the known results in frame theory to K-g-frames and weaving K-g-frames.


K-frame, g-frame, weaving K-g-frame, perturbation.


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