Marija Stanić, Ph.D. - CV

Personal Data

Full name: Marija Stanić
Birthdate: November 17th, 1975
Birthplace: Gornji Milanovac, Serbia
Children: Natalija (2015), Bogdan (2018)
Marital status:  Married (Branislav)
Nationality: Serbian
Religion: Orthodox Christian




Education and Academic Degrees

Post-doc (Numerical analysis): Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, 2009 (three months)
Ph.D. in Mathematics (Numerical analysis): University of Kragujevac, June 5th, 2007 (Advisor: Gradimir V. Milovanović)
  Dissertation: Generalized quadrature formulas of Gaussian type
DOI: 10.2298/KG20070605STANIC
M.Sc. in Mathematics (Numerical analysis): University of Kragujevac, December 3rd, 2003 (Advisor: Gradimir V. Milovanović)
  Thesis: Nonstandard orthogonalities and corresponding quadratures of Gaussian type
B.Sc. in Mathematics & Informatics: University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science, September 29th, 1998 (the best student in generation)
High School: "Prva kragujevačka gimnazija", Kragujevac, 1990 - 1994 (the best student in generation)
Primary School: "Radoje Domanović", Kragujevac, 1982 - 1990 (the best pupil in generation)


 Professional Experience

2017  present:
Full Professor, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac
2013 –  2017: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac
2007 – 2013: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac
2004 – 2007: Assistant, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac
1999 – 2004: Teaching and Research Assistant, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac


Professional Positions


October 2020 – present: Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac
February 2019 – October 2020: President of the Council for Natural and Mathematical Sciences, University of Kragujevac
July 2018 – February 2019: Member of the Council for Natural and Mathematical Sciences, University of Kragujevac
December 2018 – December 2022: Member of the Board for Accreditation of Scientific and Research Organization,
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development
March 2018 – March 2022: Member of the National Educational Council
February 2018 October 2020: Vice-Dean for Finance, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac
September 2011 – September 2017: Head of Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac
April 2016 – present: Member of Council of the Doctoral School of Mathematics
November 2015 – present: Member of Educational-Scientific Council of Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac
May 2011 – present: President of the State Committee for Mathematics Teachers Licensing, Ministry of Education and Science
December 2012 – February 2017: President of Committee for Quality Assurance, University of Kragujevac
April 2015 – present: Member of Scientific Council of Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
May 2014 – present: Member of Managing Board of the Serbian Mathematical Sciences Association
December 2006–December 2014: President of the Mathematical Society of Serbia – the Branch of Kragujevac
February 2010 – February 2013:
Member of Committee for Prior Issues, University of Kragujevac
2012– 2018: Member of Commission for Self-Evaluation, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac
May 2008 – June 2012: Member of Scientific-Educational Council of Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac
March 2008 – February 2013: Member of Commission for Quality Assurance, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac
2004 – 2009: Member of Council of Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac
January 2008 – September 2008: Head of Department of Mathematics and Informatics,Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac
February 2003 – January 2006: Vice-president of the Managing Board of the Mathematical Society of Serbia
February 2005 – January 2006: Member of Executive Board of the Mathematical Society of Serbia
2002 – 2004: Deputy leader of SCG team on JBMO
2002 – 2005: Member of the Committee for Mathematical Primary School Competitions in Serbia



  • Saint Sava's Award for exceptional achievements in the past five years, University of Kragujevac, 2018


PhD Students

1. Tatjana Tomović, Analysis and applications of quadrature rules of Gaussian type for trigonometric polynomials (University of Kragujevac, 2014)

2. Marina Milovanović, Interactive multimedia in teaching of mathematics (University of Kragujevac, 2014)


Memberships in Professional Organizations

Mathematical Society of Serbia

Serbian Mathematical Sciences Association


Mathematics Genealogy Project -Marija Stanić
My Scientific Genealogy (back to the year 1500)


Erdös Number: 3 - over Gradimir V. Milovanović and Ivan Gutman


ISI Researcher ID -E-3413-2013


Research Interests

Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory (Orthogonal Systems and Quadrature Processes)

Functional Analysis

Teaching of Mathematics




See at Google Scholar



2011 – 2019: Project #174015 (Serbian Ministry of Education and Science): Approximation of Integral and Differential Operators and Applications
2011 – 2019: Project #44006 (Serbian Ministry of Education and Science): Development of New Information and Communication Technologies, Based on Advanced Mathematical Methods, with Applications in Medicine, Telecommunications, Power Systems, Protection of National Heritage and Education
2006 – 2010: Project #144004 (Serbian Ministry of Science and Technological Development): Orthogonal Systems and Applications
2006 – 2008: SCOPES Joint Research Project No. IB7320-111079 (Swiss National Science Foundation): New Methods for Quadrature
2002 – 2005: Project # 2002 (Serbian Ministry of Science): Applied Orthogonal Systems, Constructive Approximation and Numerical Methods
1999 – 2000: Project 04M03 (Serbian Ministry of Science): Methods and Models in Theoretical, Applied and Industrial Mathematics


Visiting Professorship

University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy (2009)

Politecnico di Torino, Italy (2010)


Editorial Activities

2022 – present: Member of Editorial Board of Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, ISSN 1450-9628
2021 – present: Editor of Facta Universitatis, Series: Mathematics and Informatics, University of Niš, ISSN 0352-9665
2019 – 2022: Editor of Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, ISSN 1450-9628
2015 – 2018: Editor-in-Chief of Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, ISSN 1450-9628
2019 – present: Editor of Publications de l'Institut Mathématique, Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia, ISSN 0350-1302
2013 – present: Editor of Matematički vesnik, Mathematical Society of Serbia, ISSN 0025-5165
2018 – present: Member of Editorial Board of Mathematica Moravica, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Technical Sciences, ISSN 1450-5932
2013 – 2014: Editor of Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, ISSN 1450-9628
2005 – 2008: Technical Support for journal Facta Univ. Ser. Math. Inform. Facta Universitatis. Series: Mathematics and Informatics. University of Niš, ISSN 0352-9665
2003 – 2016: Technical editor of Tangenta- Journal for Mathematics and Computer Science for students and teachers in high schools
2008 – 2021: Translator and technical editor of Bulettin of "Kangourou sans Frontieres" Competitions in Serbia
2002 – 2005: Technical editor of Bulettin of Mathematical Primary School Competitions in Serbia
Technical Editor of the International Conference MATHEMATICS IN 2004 AT KRAGUJEVAC
Redactor of the book: “Tangenta 10”, Mathematical Society of Serbia, Belgrade, 2006 (with Ratko Tošić, Nebojša Ikodinović and Slađana Dimitrijević)
Redactor of the book:Tangenta 600, Mathematical Society of Serbia, Belgrade, 2014


Refereeing and Reviewing

Refereeing for the following journals:

Reviewing for Mathematical Reviews and Zentalblatt für Mathematik (AMS Subject Clasiffication 41, 42, 65).


Organizing and Scientific Committees


The 15th Serbian Mathematical Congress (15ht SMAK, Belgrade, Serbia, 2024) (Member of Programme Committee)
International Congerence on Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology (ICEMST 2024, Antalya, Turkey) (Member of Scientific Board)
The First DEEPTECH Open Science Day (Kragujevac, Serbia, 2024) (Member of Programme Committee)
The 2nd Congress of Molecular Biologist of Serbia (CoMBoS2, Belgrade, Serbia, 2023) (Member of Honorary Committee)
The 2nd International Conference on Chemo and Bioinformatics (ICCBIKG 2023, Kragujevac, Serbia) (Member of International Scientific Committee)
The 6th Mediterranean International Conference of Pure & Applied Mathematics and Related Areas, dedicated to Professor Yilmaz Simsek on the Occasion of his 60th anniversary (MICOPAM 2023, Paris, France) (Member of Scientific Committee)
Analysis, Approximation, and Applications, dedicated to Professor Gradimir V. Milovanović on the Occasion of his 75th anniversary (AAA2023, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia) (Member of Scientific Committee and member of Organizing Committee)
International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science & Technology 2023  (ICEMST 2023, Cappadocia, Nevsehir, Turkey) (Member of Scientific Board)
Congress of Young Mathematicians (KMMNS2, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2022) (Member of Programme Committee)
Functional Analysis, Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis (FAATNA 20>22, Matera, Italy) (Member of Scientific Committee and organizer of special session Orthogonal Polynomials, Interpolation and Numerical Integration)
Numerical Methods for Large Scale Problemsdedicated to Professor Lothar Reichel on the Occasion of his 70th anniversary (NMLSP2022, Belgrade, Serbia) (Member of Scientific Committee and organizer of mini-symposium Recent advances in numerical integration by Gaussian rules)
Mathematics, Numerics and Applications, dedicated to Professor Miodrag Spalevic on the Occasion of his 60th anniversary (NMA 2022, Budva, Montenegro) (Member of Scientific Committee)
International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science & Technology 2022  (ICEMST 2022, Antalya, Turkey) (Member of Scientific Board)
International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science & Technology 2021  (ICEMST 2021, Antalya, Turkey) (Member of Scientific Board)
IX Seminar of Differential Equations and Analysis and I Congress of Differential Equations, Mathematical Analysis and Applications (CODEMA 2020, Republic of North Macedonia) (Member of  Program Committee)
International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science & Technology 2020  (ICEMST 2020, Istanbul, Turkey)  (Member of Scientific Board)
The 2nd Mediterranean International Conference of Pure & Applied Mathematics and related areas 2019 (MICOPAM 2019, Paris, France, 2019) (Member of Scientific Committee)
Congress of Young Mathematicians (KMMNS, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2019) (Member of Program Board)
International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science & Technology 2019  (ICEMST 2019, Izmir, Turkey)  (Member of Scientific Board)
The Mediterranean International Conference of Pure & Applied Mathematics and related areas 2018, dedicated to Professor Gradimir V. Milovanovic on the Occasion of his 70th anniversary (MICOPAM 2018, Antalya,Turkey, 2018) (Member of Scientific Committee)
Meeting dedicated to 150th anniversary of Mihailo Petrović's birthday  (Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2018) (Member of Organizing Committee)
The 14th Serbian Mathematical Congress 2018 (14th SMAK, Kragujevac, Serbia)  (President of Organizing Committee and Coordinator of Scientific Committee)
The international conference APPROXIMATION AND COMPUTATION – THEORY AND APPLICATIONS 2017 (ACTA 2017, Belgrade, Serbia)  (Member of Organizing Committee)
International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science & Technology 2018  (ICEMST 2018, Marmaris, Turkey)  (Member of Scientific Board)
International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science & Technology 2017 (ICEMST 2017, Ephesus Kusadasi, Turkey)  (Member of Scientific Board)
International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science & Technology 2016  (ICEMST 2016, Bodrum, Turkey)  (Member of Scientific Board)
13th Serbian Mathematical Congress 2014 (Member of Programme Committee - field Numerical Mathematics & Applied Mathematics)
The 26th Balkan Mathematical Olympiad 2009 (Member of Organizing Committee and Member of Coordination Committee)
International Conference APPROXIMATION & COMPUTATION 2008 (APP&COM 2008) (Conference Secretary)
International Conference on NUMERICAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2006 (ICNAM-2006) (Member of Organizing Committee and Conference Secretary)
The 8th Junior Balkan Mathematical Olympiad 2004 (Member of Organizing Committee)
International Conference MATHEMATICS IN 2004 AT KRAGUJEVAC (Member of Organizing Committee and Technical Editor)



Teaching Experience


Undergraduate level:

Numerical Mathematics
Numerical Analysis
Strategies for Solving Mathematical Problems
Teaching Practice

Mathematics I, Mathematics II, and Numerical Analysis and Discrete Mathematics (University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Engineering)

Ph.D. level:

Numerical Analysis (Mathematics section)
Approximation Theory (Mathematics section)
Numerical Methods (Computer science section)

Numerical Integration (Doctoral School of Mathematics)

Previously: Teaching of Mathematical Analysis, Numerical Mathematics and Symbolic Programming, Applied Mathematics Project, Functional Analysis with Applications, Analysis III, Laboratory in Software Usage, Educational Software and conducted tutorials for the following courses: Numerical Analysis, Analysis II, Partial Dierential Equations, Functional Analysis with Applications, Number Theory, Mathematics I (for engineers), Mathematics II (for engineers) and Analysis with Algebra (for high school students).